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[Group picture]Good Behavior Games for Preschoolers           ★★★
Good Behavior Games for Preschoolers
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-9-19 14:23:47

Good Behavior Games for Preschoolers

Voice Lessons
How to play: Read 10 sentences from a children's book into a tape recorder, using a pleasant voice for some and a whiny voice for others. Play them back and ask your child to raise her hand when she hears the sentences read in a nice voice. When she gets them all right, have her record sentences in her silliest, whiniest, and nicest voices.

What it teaches: Whining is annoying.
Why it works: This game shows that something as familiar as a favorite story can be changed simply by the way you speak, and it helps kids understand how their tone comes across to other people.

Look on the Bright Side
How to play: Start telling a story in which something negative happens ("One day Steve was feeling cranky because it was too hot outside"). Ask one child to continue by describing a positive turn of events. For instance, "The good thing was, there was a nice, cool lake nearby for taking a dip." The next player then introduces another negative idea, which is answered by a positive one from the next player.

What it teaches: Optimism.
Why it works: It helps kids develop a more positive outlook so they can deal with real-life frustrations more easily.
Follow the Helpful Leader
How to play:
Gather your kids outside a cluttered room. Explain that you're the first "helpful leader" and that they should do what you do. Lead them, skipping and clapping, into the room. Then start straightening up. Make sure they're copying you. After a few minutes, let one of your children be the leader. Encourage the kids afterward by saying, "This room looks really clean!"

What it teaches: Tidying up.
Why it works: Children will realize they're capable of cleaning up after themselves, and that doing so can even be fun -- especially when everyone helps out.

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