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[Group picture]Good Behavior Games for Preschoolers           ★★★
Good Behavior Games for Preschoolers
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-9-19 14:23:47

Good Behavior Games for Preschoolers

The Hot or Cold Game
How to play: Choose one child to be the "Finder." Send him out of the room while the rest of the players hide an object, like a red ball, somewhere in the room. Ask the Finder to come back and look for the ball, while the other players shout out hints: "You're getting hotter" or "you're getting colder." Play until the object is found, then give everyone a turn as the Finder.

What it teaches: Cooperation. This game puts the emphasis on encouraging other players, not competing against them, so preschoolers learn to help each other out in a fun setting.

Parent tip: Try asking kids to speak louder or softer depending on how close or far away the Finder is from the hidden object.

"I Spy"
How to play: Take turns spotting nearby objects and describing them: "I spy with my little eye something that is green...." The other players try to guess what the object is: "A tree!" "Dad's shirt!" Whoever guesses right gets to be the next "spy."

What it teaches: Patience. "Patience is all about waiting," explains Dr. Borba. Any game that forces kids to listen politely while other players have their turn drives this lesson home.

Parent tip: This is a great one to try in situations where kids are likely to get bored and edgy, such as on a long airplane flight.

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