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[Group picture]The Safe Nursery (babies)           ★★★
The Safe Nursery (babies)
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-9-18 18:20:02

The Safe Nursery (babies)

Did You Forget These Safety Steps?
Installing a smoke and carbon-monoxide detector outside bedrooms and on each level of your home. Consider upgrading to an interconnected system that activates every smoke alarm in the house regardless of the fire's location. And you definitely need a carbon-monoxide detector. "Children are more susceptible to carbon-monoxide poisoning because the gas enters their bloodstream faster than it enters an adult's, cutting off oxygen to the brain and heart," says Meri-K Appy. Since carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, it's difficult to know you have a leak without a detector.

Buying an escape ladder for second-floor or higher nurseries. Look for one you can install underneath the window so you're not searching for it in an emergency. Try to keep an infant carrier in the nursery at all times -- it'll make the climb down the ladder much easier.
Putting up a wall thermometer. Sleeping in an overheated room can put a baby at greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome. Keep the nursery at 68 to 72 degrees F.
Installing finger-pinch guards on doors. In kids ages 4 and younger, the majority of finger amputations happen because the child's fingers are caught in a door. Install the guards high enough so your child can't pop them out of place.

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