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[Group picture]The Safe Nursery (babies)           ★★★
The Safe Nursery (babies)
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-9-18 18:20:02

The Safe Nursery (babies)

Store Toys the Smart Way
The Home Safety Council recommends storing toys in bins or boxes without lids. If your toy chest does have a lid, it should also have a spring-loaded mechanical arm that prevents the lid from falling on your baby's hand or trapping him if he manages to climb inside. Don't have one? Retrofit your toy box with a kit from the hardware store.

Don't Overlook Outlets
Always put plug protectors in unused electrical outlets. Look for the type that covers the entire outlet plate, since a determined toddler can wiggle individual protectors out of the sockets. (Some models require that adults use two hands to get to the socket, so it's especially hard for kids to remove them.) Keep electrical cords out of your little one's reach by tucking them behind furniture or investing in cord shorteners.

Keep Your Eye on the Door
Buy a gate that screws into the wall or doorjamb (pressure-mounted gates may not stand up to a determined toddler). Never use accordion-style gates with V-shaped or diamond-shaped openings -- kids could be strangled by them, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Go for Minimalism

There should only be two things in your baby's crib: a firm, tight-fitting mattress and a crib sheet. "It's tempting to make it look cute and cozy with lots of blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows, but they're all suffocation hazards for kids under 1 year old," says Meri-K Appy, president of the Home Safety Council. It's wise to avoid crib bumpers as well -- a recent research review in the Journal of Pediatrics found that the suffocation risk of bumper pads outweighed their benefits.

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