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Your Baby's Development Week-By-Week           ★★★
Your Baby's Development Week-By-Week
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-10-4 20:00:40

Week 31
Your baby's hands have likely evolved from little paws to little tools. Instead of clumsily grabbing things, he's learning how to manipulate his thumb and forefinger to pick up and hold objects. This "pincer grasp" will develop more in the next several weeks. Be extra vigilant about keeping choking hazards off the floor and away from his curious fingers.

Week 32
So much to do, so little time could be your baby's motto this week. Her current preoccupation? Standing. Though she's still young for pulling herself up, she may be able to lean against furniture with her hands free. Despite taking lots of tumbles, your baby is determined to conquer gravity. Soften her falls by placing rugs or blankets under the furniture she uses as a jungle gym.

Week 33
Those days of watching your baby happily follow your command may seem far in the distant past. He has his own opinions now and he'll be sure to let you know what he does and doesn't like. Though it might be unnerving, to say the least, bear in mind that he's experimenting with his emotions and learning how to control his environment.

Week 34
Over the past few weeks, your baby has developed more coordination and strength in her legs and feet. She may have finally figured out how to pull herself up to standing position. Encourage her to stand by placing one of her favorite toys on the seat of a sturdy chair. Point to the chair, tell her the toy is there, and cheer her on to get up and grab it.

Week 35
Stop and listen closely this week. In that gurgling brook of baby babble, you can hear the rhythms of speech! Your baby is stringing syllables together and placing different consonants with vowels. Plus, your baby understands more of what you say. She may comprehend common words like "ball" and "bottle." Satisfy her thirst for knowledge by reading her lots of baby books and labeling things for her. She's taking in every word!

Week 36
At around nine months, a baby can create memories from his experiences. He might look at a ball, remember how it moves, then push it. He's even able to set goals for himself--like making noise from a pan by crawling to it and banging it with a spoon. Give him plastic bowls, pans, and other utensils and he'll happily set to work while you prepare dinner.

Week 37
If you haven't already, take a good hard look around the house and put dangerous and valuable objects safely out of your baby's reach. Her curiosity is boundless and her mobility gets her around further and faster. Keep the bathroom door closed and tell her that certain situations she gets into are dangerous. Your consistence and firmness will teach her self-management skills.

Week 38
At this age, your baby leaves a trail wherever he goes. As he scoots around the house, he may pull books off shelves and clear cabinets of their contents. He'll also happily tip over wastebaskets. Though it's tiring for you to constantly clean up after him, he needs to be a little explorer. This inquisitiveness is a natural part of his development.

Week 39
If it seems to you that your baby is always sticking something into her mouth, you're probably right. Babies between the ages of eight to twelve months spend at least 20 percent of their waking hours either gumming, turning over, or banging small objects. Your little one is filled with energy and the desire to discover the whole world. Be vigilant about her safety, but let her follow her bliss!

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