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Your Baby's Remarkable First Year           ★★★
Your Baby's Remarkable First Year
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-10-4 18:02:59

Months 5 & 6
Senses: Infants are born with a sweet tooth, but by this stage, they've also developed an appreciation for salty tastes, just in time for introducing solids.

Body: Big news! Your baby rolls front to back and probably vice versa, and can sit like a tripod, propped up with one arm.

Brain: She begins to understand the concepts of putting in and taking out.

Communication Skills: By 6 months, babbling begins to imitate speech in tone and pattern. It also becomes language-specific, so a French baby (oui-oui) and an American baby (wah-wah) will start to sound different when they jabber.

Aww Factor: She can see you from across the room now and will probably react with a big smile.

Fave Toy: Plush ball. She's starting to learn how to transfer objects from hand to hand.

Playtime: "Tell me a story." She can focus her eyes and attention better, so make reading a part of your daily routine.

Mealtime: Add cereal, bananas, and other appropriate, easy-to-mush food to your shopping list. The tongue-thrust reflex subsides; your child is now ready to gum and chew soft solids.

Months 7 & 8
Senses: A lovey rules just about now -- the familiar feel and smell of a treasured blankie or teddy is reassuring.

Body: Your baby gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth, and may even crawl.

Brain: Your infant has a crude understanding of cause and effect -- for instance, if you let go of something, it will fall.

Communication Skills: He responds to his name and probably looks up when you say "No!" Time to start setting limits, Boss. Your baby also whines when you take away a toy or (more likely) a forbidden object.

Aww Factor: He shows enthusiasm and excitement when you begin playing with him.

Fave Toy: Pots, pans, cell phones, remotes -- all things adult are the rage.

Playtime: Peekaboo. He's probably been playing this game for several months, but now he initiates the whole process: covering himself then uncovering himself and acting hysterically surprised.

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