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[Group picture]Worry-Free Waiting for Toddlers           ★★★
Worry-Free Waiting for Toddlers
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-9-19 13:45:05

Worry-Free Waiting for Toddlers

Go Figurines
Even if you rarely order a kid's meal at a drive-through, it doesn't take long to accumulate a few of those little toys. Next time, instead of passing the toy back with food, set it aside and save it in a bag reserved for cases of severe boredom or car chaos. This helps keep the toys special. Bonus: It also keeps all those little toys out of your home, and unlike taking a favorite toy along in the car, you won't miss a plastic figurine if it disappears.

Tuck a Treat
Dig out one of your old wallets and fill it with little treats, one in each compartment. Flat items -- such as stickers, photographs, an old key -- work really well. If you have a larger pocket, consider stashing a wrapped food snack to keep hunger and boredom at bay. A crayon or pen, slips of paper, and a variety of silly crafts materials (pom-poms, googly eyes, or a bit of string) will also spark the imagination. Toddlers will enjoy opening and closing each pocket. The thrill of finding what's been tucked away is a happy bonus.

Talk It Out
Sometimes we take for granted what our children have observed in a typical day. If your toddler is settled and attentive, it might be the perfect time to strike up a conversation. Ask him to tell you about something funny that happened today, what made him feel happy, or if he remembers something that smelled sweet. It will take some help from you to moderate the conversation, but imagine the smile on your child's face when he realizes how much you appreciate hearing his thoughts.

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