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[Article with image]Rolling, Crawling, Walking: Helping Baby Get Up & Go       Elite  ★★★
Rolling, Crawling, Walking: Helping Baby Get Up & Go
Author:163ED   UpdateTime:2010-12-28 22:56:33

For many babies, crawling is a skill that's usually mastered between 7 and 10 months. With a little time and practice, baby will discover that by digging in with his knees and pushing off, he can propel himself across the room toward the target of his choice. And don't worry if he doesn't crawl -- some babies never crawl and instead move straight from sitting up to standing. This is normal.

Sitting Pretty
 Sitting up usually happens a little later than rolling -- between 6 and 8 months. Though your baby uses the same muscle groups to achieve both of these goals, figuring out how to get upright takes more coordination. If he's feeling unsure, you may also start to see your baby "tripod," leaning forward as he extends his arms to balance his upper body.

By his eighth month, your baby may be sitting without your support. Though he might topple over from time to time, he'll begin to catch himself with his arms. And as the muscles in his torso grow stronger, he'll start learning to pick up toys without your help. As the months pass, he'll begin to hold his back and head straighter. As your baby's confidence grows, he'll use his hands less for support -- and more for mischievous play!

Crawling Styles
Crawling methods can come in as many varieties as babies themselves. Many babies try several methods before they find the one they like. Below are the most common:
The Combat Crawl With her forearms flat on the floor and her bottom in the air, baby creeps on her belly.

The Butt Scoot Baby sits on his tush and propels himself with his arms and legs.
The Bear Walk Instead of bending her elbows or putting weight on her knees, baby keeps her arms and legs straight, lumbering along.

The Bunny Hop Getting down on all fours, baby hops.
The Crab Tucking one knee in and extending the other, baby maneuvers himself sideways and backwards.

Cruise Control, Stepping Out
Cruise Control

Although crawling makes a huge difference in how your baby sees the world, don't expect her to be content for long. Soon she will yearn to stand. Keep in mind that when baby starts standing, she may not know how to get down.

If she cries for help, show her how to gently bend her knees and lower herself to the floor. Once she feels secure in standing, baby may try to get around by cruising -- traveling up and down the length of the couch or along the wall. She'll also enjoy taking strolls with you while you clutch her hands to keep her upright.

Stepping Out
As baby's balance improves, she'll occasionally let go of you to take a step by herself, only to grab you again when she feels like she may be falling. This independence will grow as baby becomes more confident.

Most babies begin to walk between 8 and 18 months, so don't worry if she's taking her time. Though baby's first steps may be shaky and sporadic, soon you won't be able to keep up with her.

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